Youth Education
In addition to Youth Education, the Workcentre is the local Youth Service provider for Golden Bay and Motueka. We also have information and contact details for Youth Counselling.
Teaching and education are not one size fits all.
We support our youth by:
Providing holistic support to ākonga to build self-esteem, belonging and identity, mental wellbeing and healthy relationships.
Working with ākonga, their whānau, and the wider community, including education providers, to identify additional engagement barriers and to strengthen protection factors.
Using a strengths-based approach to youth development, to stay in education and / or support transitions to further training or employment.

Example modules
Two modules per term - one own choice and the other a shared group learning module.
Special interest:
Cooking, gardening/horticulture, pottery.
Making positive connections, building quality relationships, and developing social skills. Family/whānau.
Our Place:
Belonging, sharing, learning as a group at the Hub.
Work experience, volunteering, creating opportunities for ākonga to actively participate and engage while gaining new skills.
Self care:
FInding courage; self empowerment; building resilience; awareness; critical thinking; gratitude and boundaries.
Life skills:
Budgeting, referrals to other agencies, support with accessing healthcare services, driver licensing and driving lessons, related vehicle knowledge and laws, First Aid certificate, banking, interest, rates, loans, fees, how to avoid debt.
The Golden Bay Workcentre Trust offers free youth development and education programmes which are delivered outside of traditional education settings.
These programmes are for young people / ākonga / learners aged 12 - 24 who have been adversely affected by the impact of COVID-19, or are disengaged / at risk of disengaging from a current education pathway.
Some of the intended outcomes for students in our education programme are:
for young people to stay engaged in their education journey
increased confidence in learning environments
to have a clear plan and pathway for the future
an increased level of engagement in learning and aspiration for their future, or will have transitions to further training or employment
increased connection to whānau, iwi, community and / or other support services including schools / kura, health and youth services
Study Options Available
NCEA Levels 1,2, and 3
Complete foundation learning at Level 1, 2 & 3 through a range of Unit or Achievement Standards.
Gain required Literacy and Numeracy credits, via supervised and supported enrolment with Te Kura (The Correspondence School) or with our tutor on site.
Develop work readiness skills and a realistic plan of employment or further training opportunities.
Participate in practical activities as an introduction to vocational pathways.
Focus on Computing of Digital Technology with our on-site tutor.
Options available to enrol in other Te Kura subjects at Levels 1 - 3
To enquire or enroll
age12 - 15
Please talk to your current education provider about how your child or young person may attend Workcentre learning programmes.
age16 - 24
Contact us today to discuss your education options.
Youth Education Team
Derryn Culverwell
Ākonga Programme Coordinator